Advanced material selection tools Create an account and login to access all MatFind features
With a MatFind account, you get access to advanced material selection tools to search more efficiently. More new features coming soon!

Save comparisons

Working on several projects with different specifications? As a registered user, you can save as many comparisons as you like and keep track of materials for each of your projects. No need to rerun the selection process. 

Favorite materials

Coming soon! Found a material you can make use of in multiple projects? Save it in your favorites. It will be there waiting for you next time you login. 

Save filter selections

Coming soon! Are you working on similar projects? Speed up your next search by saving your filter selection. You can rerun the search as is or make changes as needed.

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Looking for something specific? Get in touch with our specialist teams by filling in the contact form. We’re ready to meet your next challenge.

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